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Bibliophile started more than 40 years ago as a mail order, and now online, booksellers. They select up to 2,500 books for the newsprint catalogue from Art and coffee table books, to the finest Children’s books, Crime Fiction, History and more to sell at vastly reduced prices. 

 “As a Royal Warrant Holder for 11 years, we were looking for exceptional quality of service to maintain our reputation. In The Mailing People we have found not only efficiency and courtesy, but also practical support and advice. We have no hesitation is recommending their services for wrapping, laser printing and prompt despatch to publication deadlines.”
Annie Quigley
Managing Director

Monthly mailing made easy

After their previous supplier permanently closed their doors during the pandemic, Bibliophile needed a new home for their mailing fulfilment. Encompassing laser printing, polywrap enclosing, plus UK and international mail sorting, the order required a strict 24-hour turnaround (from receipt of stock) on an order size circa 50,000.

We made the time to fully understand Bibliophile’s business and what was important to them. We talked them through our project process, the checks we include and how we could reduce the cost of fulfilment by laser printing 2-up (thereby reducing the digital click rate) and by de-duping their data to one copy per person. Relatively small things that made a big difference to their budget, and also gave them confidence that they would be well looked after.

Bibliophile tabloid 

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